English, Drama & Debating
In the EL, Drama & Debating Club, you will be equipped with the necessary skills to enable you to excel in debate, writing and drama. It is also involves the skills for writing and speaking. You will be trained in the three linked disciplines of debate, writing and drama. In drama, you will be taught the core basics of dramatic technique - the use of levels to create effect such vocal projection, awareness of body language, facial expressions and the use of space. In writing, you will be exposed to variety of genres. We also impart valuable life skills such as the ability to think clearly and speak with confidence. An opportunity for you to
- Develop and discover your hidden talents
- To excel confidently
- Mdm June Low (I/C) (june_low_mun_ling@schools.gov.sg)
- Mdm Kirenjit Kaur Gill (2 I/C) (kirenjit_kaur_gill@schools.gov.sg)
- Mdm Cheong Hui Ting Debbie (cheong_hui_ting_debbie@schools.gov.sg)
- External Instructor
- Classroom C3-01
- Library STELLAR Room
Time and Day
- Fridays, 2.00pm - 4.00pm