Inspire passion for learning by providing a caring and nurturing environment where leaders of character believe in their abilities to learn and achieve success.
Our students are persons of gratitude when they show appreciation for what they have received and are motivated to pay it forward.
Our students are caring when they act with kindness, compassion and empathy, and contribute to the betterment of self, family, school, community, nation and the world.
Our students are resilient when they have emotional strength and persevere in the face of challenges. They have manifest courage, optimism, adaptability and resourcefulness.
Our students are respectful when they appreciate diversity, believing in their self-worth and the intrinsic worth of people.
Our students are responsible when they recognize they have a duty to themselves, their family, school, community, nation and the world, and fulfill their responsibilities love and commitment.
Our students are persons of integrity when they uphold ethical principles and have the moral courage to do what is right; even when no one is watching.